Executive Leadership coaching


You would like to undertake coaching? You are an entrepreneur, manager, director or professional willing and ready to:

  • Take a step back to better understand and objectively look at the reality
  • Reach optimal performance in your given role and responsibility
  • Better understand the habits, behaviors and choices that might be slowing down your ability to reach your maximum performance or that are affecting your well being
  • Better align your actions with your values, talents and objectives
  • Solidify your communication skills, leadership, coaching and emotional intelligence
  • Mobilize and develop the full potential of your employees.

For managers, executives, senior level team members

Company performance is governed (and limited) by management’s skills. Our executive leadership program is proven to:

  • Increase financial performance through higher productivity
  • Reduce employee turnover and lost time
  • Boost team engagement correlating with increased profit

Through effective coaching, we will work to uncover the cause of suboptimal performance, while identifying the solutions you need to achieve peak performance.

This process also:

  • Motivates team members and increase individual confidence
  • Creates team cohesion through effective communications
  • Develops exceptional leaders
  • Creates an awe-inspiring workforce

I will accompany you in your development and help you achieve greater personal and professional well being.

Depending on your needs and the objectives chose, the duration, approach and number of sessions required may vary. During our initial consultation and goal setting session we will discuss these needs and draft an action plan.